Cheryl Flynn has been the Sales and Marketing Director of the company for the past eleven years.
IDM Successfully Delivers for SSP an Electra M3 Data Migration for a Specialist Motorcycle Insurance Broker

SSP outsourced this Electra M3 data migration project for a large Insurance Brokers specialising in Motorcycle business to IDM.
This and other projects for SSP have in have included:
Nov 06 – Feb 07: Data Migration Consultant - Software Solution Partners Ltd
- Liason with the client to gather requirements, produced migration strategy and plan.
- Data profiling and cleansing of the legacy data ETL Extract, Transform and Loading of data from a SQL Server database to target system.
- Performed Data Migration of three hundred thousand customers and four hundred and fifty thousand policies.
- Loading data onto customers SCO Unix based system.
Paul Johnson MD of Insurance Data Migrations has worked as a consultant for SSP on a number of initiatives:
Apr 06 – Oct 06: Data Migration Consultant - Software Solutions Partners Ltd
• Developed Unix scripts to convert Insurance Personal Lines related data from competitors systems.
• Visited customer sites to extract sample data and worked with various stakeholders in the organisation.
• Produced technical documents describing the new functionality and hosted meetings to hand over the work to the permanent staff at the end of the project.
Nov 05 - Jan 06: Data Migration Consultant - Software Solutions Partners Ltd
• Designed and developed a data integration module which could be run in real time or in transparently using the Windows Scheduler.
• The module read many thousands of records from a file supplied by an Insurance company and wrote a complex file back out, along with associated multiple files, an exception report and a log file to enable the user to view an history of the conversions.
• The module ran for a period of twelve months, each morning transferring policies which were due for renewal.
Dec 04 - Apr 05: Development / Support Team Leader - Software Solutions Partners Ltd
• Led a team of support consultants to reduce the number of outstanding calls on the customers helpdesk system. These calls were split over a 150 customers belonging to a large corporate insurance broker network. Reduced the number of calls from six hundred to fifty in a four month period.
• Further developed the helpdesk system so that calls could be logged more efficiently and trained permanent members of staff.
Nov 02 - Mar 04: Migration Consultant / Team Leader Software Solutions Partners Ltd
• Managed a team of three programmers maintaining a product written specifically for Insurance Brokers. As well has being very hands on programming wise, I was involved in job costing, change request management and maintaining relationships with the customer’s client’s.
• Involved in the migration of the data, from a legacy Unix system to a VB/Oracle system. This involved working with the VB/Oracle team, writing the programs to extract the data from Unix system, then writing SQL scripts to upload the data into Oracle. We then had to coordinate the data load on seventy five customer sites.
• Converted all the MS Word documents to the new system. To do this he wrote VBA scripts to read through all the MS Word documents on the system, load each one into memory, perform a mail merge, take off the Unix Template then save as a normal MS Word document which could then be viewed from any PC.