Cheryl Flynn has been the Sales and Marketing Director of the company for the past eleven years.
We are proud to announce that we have been awarded both ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 Certifications

Insurance Data Solutions, a leading provider of data services and software solutions for the insurance industry, is excited to announce it is now certified to both ISO 9001:2015 for its Quality Management System (QMS) and ISO 27001:2013 for its Information Security Management System (ISMS)
We took the decision last year to gain this recognised certification for IDS as it is the seal of approval that a company runs to the international standards by which modern software companies are measured. We are very proud of all our accreditations which also includes Cyber Essentials Certification.
With the cost of data breaches rising, many of our clients in the insurance sector now require additional security validation before deciding to work with an organization. The ISO 27001 certification provides customers with additional industry validation confirming that IDS will continue meeting increased security requirements, giving them confidence that the organization is maintaining best-in-class security standards.
Paul Johnson Managing Director of IDS notes "By undergoing this rigorous process, IDS demonstrates its commitment to mitigating risks, safeguarding data privacy, and continuing to improve its security practices and quality management to ensure customer satisfaction."
One of the mandates under ISO 9001 is that in order for companies to succeed at quality assurance, top leadership must provide its unfailing support to all teams throughout the organization.
Paul Johnson, Managing Director adds “ We recognize all the hard work, effort, and expertise that our employees have invested in building and maintaining our reputation for insurance data excellence. We stand behind them as they continue to push even further into innovative, technologically sound and secure insurance software solutions that truly meet the needs of our customers".
Cheryl Flynn Sales and Marketing Director and Data Protection Officer adds "Over the past two years, we have worked hard to develop our integrated management systems and believe our current systems and policies demonstrate industry best practice supporting our growth strategies over the next few years."
For more information on IDS and our cybersecurity and privacy capabilities, contact IDS directly at
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Certificate Ref No. 386092022 From <>
IMS - ISO 9001:2015 & ISO/IEC 27001:2013 |
Scope |
The design, development, deployment and support of insurance data solutions for the insurance sector ranging from data migration, binder management, bordereaux, sanctions checking and data archiving to data analytics and client-driven bespoke solutions. |
Issue Date |
07/03/2022 |
Expiry Date |
06/03/2023 |
Certificate Status |
Full |